"Migrations and Gender" module. Master's Degree in Immigration and Interculturality. UCLM University - Since October 2018.
Course "Strategies and tools for professional development and female leadership" (PeriFéricas School, online, since August 2020. Active)
Course "Intercultural Mediation with a gender perspective" (PeriFéricas School, online, since April 2019. Active).
Course "Intervention with immigrant and refugee women from a biopsychosociocultural approach" (PeriFéricas, online, desde octubre 2018. Activo)
Lecture on "Women's Movements in India" (Pamplona City Council, 23 June 2020. Online)
Course "Gender and conflicts in the classroom" (Zaragoza City Council, through PeriFéricas, since 2019).
Lecture on "Women´s emowerment in the fight against gender violence" (Su Mano Amiga, London, November 24, 2018)
Lecture on "The sociocultural roots of gender violence" (Intregr8, Su Mano Amiga, London, October 20, 2018)
Intervention in a round table "What immigrant women do for the integration of immigrant women" (Integr8, Europe House, London, October 15, 2018)
Workshop: "Tools to develop the intercultural competence" (Integr8, Stockwell Centre, London, 9 May 2018)
Workshop: "The importance of self-care in the process of adapting to a new socio-cultural environment" (Integr8, Stockwell Centre, London 25 April, 2018)
Workshop: "Building sustainable relationships between companies and social organisations through CSR Programs" (Tagbilaran, Philippines, 19-20 April 2017)
Talk: "Women's role in the Interfaith Understanding" Women`s Interfaith Network, Annual General Assembly (London, 30 January 2017)
Workshop: "Affective & Sexual Relationships and Gender Equality". Latin American Youth Forum. IRMO. (London, 27 January 2017)
Round Table: "Eradicating Poverty in all its forms and everywhere".Summer Course: Children in the Heart of Sustainable Development Goals. Autonomous University of Madrid (Miraflores de la Sierra campus, July 20, 2016).
Workshop: "Socio-educational intervention with young people at risk of social exclusion: strategies of prevention & intervention". Spanish League of Education Summer School (Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Jun 17, 2016).
Conference: "Innovative strategies for social inclusion: participation and collaboration as a fundamental bases for social intervention with vulnerable people". International Day of emerging methodologies in the study and intervention on vulnerability. Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Madrid, April 20, 2016.
Conference "Heath public policies for young people at risk of poverty and social exclusion". Conference organised by the Spanish League of Education under the title Health Education with young people at risk of exclusion "(Fuenlabrada, Madrid, March 11, 2016).
Conference: "Socioeconomic of inequality: causes and consequences of poverty and social exclusion" Carlos III University of Madrid (Colmenarejo campus, February 15, 2016)
Conference-workshop: "Inequality, poverty and social exclusion" at Rey Juan Carlos University (Alcorcón, Madrid, February 11, 2016)
Round Table "Economy for the Common Good", Global Hub for the Common Good presentation in Spain (Madrid, November 10, 2015)
Conference: "The value of an inclusive and cohesive society against Poverty and Social Exclusion" Volunteer meeting of the Spanish League of Education (Madrid, December 11, 2015)
Round Table: "The situation of vulnerable groups in Spain" International conference on the protection of the people at risk of social exclusion. Regional Support Program Ombudsmen of Latin America (PRADPI) at the University of Alcalá. Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), September 30, 2015.
Conference: “Social Exclusion & Poverty of minors in Spain”. Training the trainers at Cives Foundation and the Spanish League for Education "educational intervention with young people at risk of exclusion. The importance of emotional education in the classroom and their role regarding inclusion ". Madrid, May 8, 2015.
Conference: “The roll of the inclusion plans in the fight against poverty and social exclusion". Melilla University, May 7, 2015.
Talk & Debate: “The roll of the charities on the fight against poverty and social exclusion in Spain”. San Carlos Borromeo school. Madrid, May 4, 2015.
Debate: "Transparency, Information, Participation and Advocacy". Madrid, November 5, 2015, within the framework of Active Citizenship Programs.
Avilés XI Solidarity Forum 2014. Conference: "Evolution of poverty and social exclusion in Spain and in Europe and the role of the Third Sector in combating both phenomena". Avilés, October 9, 2014.
Debate: "The employment of people at risk of social exclusion", organised by El País and La Caixa Foundation (Madrid, May 28, 2014) .
Round Table “Volunteering in times of crisis: Challenges and Opportunities", organised by the Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation of the International Red Cross and the Red Crescent (Madrid, May 23, 2014)
Round Table “A green and sustainable Europe” XXII Forum of Juan Luis Vives University (Valencia, 6 March, 2014).
XVI Volunteering Spanish Congress: "Building citizenship". Workshop on "Entrepreneurial volunteering" (Pamplona, November 26, 2013)
Round Table: “Participation Experiences from the Third Sector”. Feria de Participación de FEAPS (Valladolid, 8 November, 2013)
Round Table: “Ethical volunteering and the decreasing of the State”, organised at the Alianza por la Solidaridad Congress (Madrid, 30 May, 2013).
Workshop: “Building a civil society platform for advocacy: the Spanish experience". EAPN - (Laulasmaa, Estonia, 23 de mayo de 2013)
Talk: “An experience of international volunteering in Nepal” Talk about cooperation and international volunteering at the Cooperatour Volunteering Day (Madrid, 18 May, 2013).
Main conference: EAPN-Extremadura conference for managers of social organisations and policy makers "New proposals for new times"(Mérida, May 9, 2013).
Panel discussion: "Trends in social exclusion and inequality in Spain". Title of intervention "The civil society against social exclusion". Course on Social Exclusion and Disability at UNED University (Madrid, April 19, 2013)
Main conference: EAPN-CLM conference for managers of social organisations and policy makers in Castilla la Mancha "New proposals for new times" (Toledo, 15 October, 2012)
UNICEF Round Table – Social Services and Equality Ministery, “Action Plans for children in times of crisis"(Madrid, June 22, 2012)
Mesa redonda “Creativity against social exclusion” MCU (Madrid, February 28, 2011)
Traning days - ASDE-Spanish Scouts. “The causes of poverty in Europea and in Spain” (Madrid, December 4, 2010).
European Civic Conference. Round table "Towards a European civic movement: How to build a plural commitment of NGOs and citizens?" (Cádiz, October 29-30, 2010).
Talk-Debate of EAPN-Cantabria open to society. “The Lisbon Strategy A missed opportunity? Proposals from social entities regarding a new European strategy to combat poverty and social exclusion”(Santander, October 22, 2010)
XVIII Juan Luis Vives University Forum- “Towards a new social inclusion strategy 2011-2020. The role of the Third Sector”(Valencia, February 2010).
EAPN-Madrid Conference - “Challenges and opportunities in the fight against poverty and social exclusion” (Madrid, December 2009).
XII National Congress on Volunteering - "New forms of cooperation between NGOs for the volunteering management" (Murcia, November 2009)
UNESCO Chair of "Citizenship, coexistence and pluralism". Public University of Navarra - "Third sector, citizenship and participation" (Pamplona, Sept. 2009).
Lecture - “The role of the media in the construction of a more inclusive society” (Chandra Foundation and Caja NavarraMadrid, July 2009).
Fundación Telefónica Volunteer Training Days: "Homelessness, the extreme face of social exclusion" (Madrid, May 2007)
Cantabria Summer University - Course: “Social volunteering: social entities and public powers. Repercussion in today's society”(Laredo, July 2003)
Several round tables and talks for the prevention of drug addiction in schools, institutes and Parents' Schools of Cantabria (years 2003 and 2004).
- Member of the jury of the XI International Film Festival El Ojo Cojo, the first international film competition in Madrid dedicated to promoting intercultural dialogue and social cohesion (September - November 2015).
- Round table on Immigrant women and the labour market (International Organization for Migrations (IOM) and the Institute for Migration Studies of the Pontifical University of Comillas, September 22, 2015).
- Seminar "The Third Sector and the fight against poverty in Spain: Learning from a new paradigm". Round table "Knowing to act: an approach to the new realities of poverty" (CIECODE and FUNCAS, September 29, 2014)
- X People Living in Poverty and Social Exclusion Participation European Meeting “Employment and work. The reality of people living in poverty and social exclusion” (Brussels, 13-14 May 2011).
- China-Europe Forum - Roundtable on "The Education of the Children of Immigrant Workers" (Beijing, China, July 2010)
- EAPN Annual Seminar - Contributing to the eradication of poverty among immigrants. Workshop on “Childhood Issues in Relation to Immigration” (Limassol, Cyprus, June 2010)
- European Civic Days - Workshop "Innovative actors in the social economy: Social Services Provision face to Social Exclusion" (Malaga, May 2010)
- Borders, Mobility and Identity: European Educational Action (Freiburg University of Educational Sciences, Germany, September 2006)